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Kalu Agu Kalu

full-stack web developer
ruby logo JS logo rails logo react logo
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Kalu Agu Kalu

full-stack web developer
ruby logo JS logo rails logo react logo node logo

My Recent Projects

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NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, JWT, React, Redux, Local storage, Axios, Netlify, Bootstrap

In this app, authenticated users can post and delete cars posted by them. Users can view all the cars in the collection and a single one. The app was built with Node.js, Expres.js, React.js, Bootstrap and Redux, and MongoDB.

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TrackIt APP

Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, Local storage, Styled components, JWT, Rspec, Jest, Axios, Netlify

In this app, a user can track the number of hours spent studying. You can choose which ones you are currently learning and see your learning progress, based on a goal you set. Built with Ruby on Rails, React, Bootstrap and Redux.

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Catalogue of Recipes

React, Redux, JSX, CSS, JavaScript, ESLint, Jest, Axios, Scss, Netlify

This project is a Catalogue of recipes built with react and redux. The user can search for meals based on categories and can also filter a specific meal.

Visit my GitHub page to see all my projects >